Елена Бушуева
Array ( [active_elements_background] => #eaeaed [active_elements_color] => #029d52 [base_text_color] => #2a2c47 [border_radius] => 5 [color_type] => M [desktop_max_width] => 700 [link_color] => #1155bb [show_cart] => Y [show_category] => Y [show_category_gradient] => N [show_clear_btn] => N [show_compare] => Y [show_price] => Y [show_product_code] => Y [show_quick_view] => Y [show_wish] => Y [theme] => csc_live_search/themes/modern.less [ttl_search_elements] => [search_products] => Y [products_per_page] => 10 [out_stock_end] => Y [increase_popularity] => Y [sort_by] => cls_rel_pop|asc [suggest_products_categories] => Y [group_by_root_cats] => N [suggest_corrections] => Y [show_user_history] => Y [history_limit] => 5 [search_categories] => Y [cats_limit] => 5 [cats_sort_by] => category [search_on_category_name] => Y [search_on_category_metakeywords] => N [show_parent_category] => N [clsm_show_parent_level] => 1 [clsm_redirect_category] => N [search_brands] => [brands_limit] => 5 [brands_feature_id] => [search_vendors] => [vendors_limit] => [search_blog] => [search_pages] => [pb_limit] => 5 [pb_ignore_lang_code] => N [suggest_phrases] => 1 [show_phrases_rec_products] => 1 [use_stop_words] => [use_synonyms] => [syn_partial_match] => [enable_history] => 1 [search_on_general_title] => [search_on_name] => Y [search_on_pcode] => [search_on_product_id] => [search_on_keywords] => [search_on_options] => [search_on_features] => [search_by_features] => [search_on_tags] => N [search_on_general_title_no_speed] => [search_on_metakeywords] => [search_on_metatitle] => [search_on_metadesc] => [search_on_description] => [search_on_short_description] => [search_general_title] => [ignore_lang_code] => N [characters_limit] => 3 [min_chars_limit] => [autoredirect] => [block_enter_press] => [anti_csrf] => Y [turbo_cache] => [turbo_cache_info] => [turbo_cache_status_field] => [ttl_serch_on_storefronts] => [search_storefront_categories] => N [allow_storefronts] => [ttl_other_settings] => [replace_with_break] => , . : / - \ " ' “ ” [custom_result_ids] => [search_delay] => 500 [ttl_hooks] => [hooks_get_products] => [hooks_get_joins] => [hooks_get_conditions] => [hooks_get_fields] => [hooks_get_product_phrase_condition] => [hooks_get_speedup_product_data] => [hooks_get_categories] => [hooks_get_categories_fields_condition] => [hooks_get_brands] => [hooks_get_pages] => [hooks_get_pages_fields_condition] => [hooks_get_vendors] => [hooks_before_response] => [clsm_title] => [clsm_status] => [clsm_motivation_text_en] => [general_info] => [speedup_general_info] => <p><div class='clsWarnBlock strong'>Don't forget to run indexation process of your products before enabling the search speed-up.</div></p> [clss_status] => [clss_admin_status] => [speedup_tech_settings] => [speedup_level] => light [skip_chars] => . , - ; : ' / " [speedup_info] => <p>The "Search Speed-up" feature on HARD mode can accelerator a search query up to 25 times. Products will be grouped into clusters according to the initial letters of each word in the product fields. This is a kind of internal grouping of products that allows you to search only in clusters that have been determined to be relevant according to the search query. But this logic has a slight limitation in the search. For example, typing query 'amsung' will not show Samsung products in the search.<br>It is enough to make indexation once, then the indexation will occur in an automatic mode if the goods are added through the admin panel. If you use third-party programaddons to import your products, or the "Skip indexation on import" function is enabled, after each products catalog update, you need to run products indexation by cron job or manually on the "Products indexation page". <br><b>In the Hard mode, the "Search Synonyms" functionality will not work!</b></p> [speedup_cluster_size] => 2 [speedup_exclude_import] => Y [speedup_cron_key] => HEL765FW [base_styles_settings] => [category_label] => [category_e] => #50AFD6 [elements] => )
Array ( [active_elements_background] => #eaeaed [active_elements_color] => #029d52 [base_text_color] => #2a2c47 [border_radius] => 5 [color_type] => M [desktop_max_width] => 700 [link_color] => #1155bb [show_cart] => Y [show_category] => Y [show_category_gradient] => N [show_clear_btn] => N [show_compare] => Y [show_price] => Y [show_product_code] => Y [show_quick_view] => Y [show_wish] => Y [theme] => csc_live_search/themes/modern.less [ttl_search_elements] => [search_products] => Y [products_per_page] => 10 [out_stock_end] => Y [increase_popularity] => Y [sort_by] => cls_rel_pop|asc [suggest_products_categories] => Y [group_by_root_cats] => N [suggest_corrections] => Y [show_user_history] => Y [history_limit] => 5 [search_categories] => Y [cats_limit] => 5 [cats_sort_by] => category [search_on_category_name] => Y [search_on_category_metakeywords] => N [show_parent_category] => N [clsm_show_parent_level] => 1 [clsm_redirect_category] => N [search_brands] => [brands_limit] => 5 [brands_feature_id] => [search_vendors] => [vendors_limit] => [search_blog] => [search_pages] => [pb_limit] => 5 [pb_ignore_lang_code] => N [suggest_phrases] => 1 [show_phrases_rec_products] => 1 [use_stop_words] => [use_synonyms] => [syn_partial_match] => [enable_history] => 1 [search_on_general_title] => [search_on_name] => Y [search_on_pcode] => [search_on_product_id] => [search_on_keywords] => [search_on_options] => [search_on_features] => [search_by_features] => [search_on_tags] => N [search_on_general_title_no_speed] => [search_on_metakeywords] => [search_on_metatitle] => [search_on_metadesc] => [search_on_description] => [search_on_short_description] => [search_general_title] => [ignore_lang_code] => N [characters_limit] => 3 [min_chars_limit] => [autoredirect] => [block_enter_press] => [anti_csrf] => Y [turbo_cache] => [turbo_cache_info] => [turbo_cache_status_field] => [ttl_serch_on_storefronts] => [search_storefront_categories] => N [allow_storefronts] => [ttl_other_settings] => [replace_with_break] => , . : / - \ " ' “ ” [custom_result_ids] => [search_delay] => 500 [ttl_hooks] => [hooks_get_products] => [hooks_get_joins] => [hooks_get_conditions] => [hooks_get_fields] => [hooks_get_product_phrase_condition] => [hooks_get_speedup_product_data] => [hooks_get_categories] => [hooks_get_categories_fields_condition] => [hooks_get_brands] => [hooks_get_pages] => [hooks_get_pages_fields_condition] => [hooks_get_vendors] => [hooks_before_response] => [clsm_title] => [clsm_status] => [clsm_motivation_text_en] => [general_info] => [speedup_general_info] => <p><div class='clsWarnBlock strong'>Don't forget to run indexation process of your products before enabling the search speed-up.</div></p> [clss_status] => [clss_admin_status] => [speedup_tech_settings] => [speedup_level] => light [skip_chars] => . , - ; : ' / " [speedup_info] => <p>The "Search Speed-up" feature on HARD mode can accelerator a search query up to 25 times. Products will be grouped into clusters according to the initial letters of each word in the product fields. This is a kind of internal grouping of products that allows you to search only in clusters that have been determined to be relevant according to the search query. But this logic has a slight limitation in the search. For example, typing query 'amsung' will not show Samsung products in the search.<br>It is enough to make indexation once, then the indexation will occur in an automatic mode if the goods are added through the admin panel. If you use third-party programaddons to import your products, or the "Skip indexation on import" function is enabled, after each products catalog update, you need to run products indexation by cron job or manually on the "Products indexation page". <br><b>In the Hard mode, the "Search Synonyms" functionality will not work!</b></p> [speedup_cluster_size] => 2 [speedup_exclude_import] => Y [speedup_cron_key] => HEL765FW [base_styles_settings] => [category_label] => [category_e] => #50AFD6 [elements] => )
Array ( [active_elements_background] => #eaeaed [active_elements_color] => #029d52 [base_text_color] => #2a2c47 [border_radius] => 5 [color_type] => M [desktop_max_width] => 700 [link_color] => #1155bb [show_cart] => Y [show_category] => Y [show_category_gradient] => N [show_clear_btn] => N [show_compare] => Y [show_price] => Y [show_product_code] => Y [show_quick_view] => Y [show_wish] => Y [theme] => csc_live_search/themes/modern.less [ttl_search_elements] => [search_products] => Y [products_per_page] => 10 [out_stock_end] => Y [increase_popularity] => Y [sort_by] => cls_rel_pop|asc [suggest_products_categories] => Y [group_by_root_cats] => N [suggest_corrections] => Y [show_user_history] => Y [history_limit] => 5 [search_categories] => Y [cats_limit] => 5 [cats_sort_by] => category [search_on_category_name] => Y [search_on_category_metakeywords] => N [show_parent_category] => N [clsm_show_parent_level] => 1 [clsm_redirect_category] => N [search_brands] => [brands_limit] => 5 [brands_feature_id] => [search_vendors] => [vendors_limit] => [search_blog] => [search_pages] => [pb_limit] => 5 [pb_ignore_lang_code] => N [suggest_phrases] => 1 [show_phrases_rec_products] => 1 [use_stop_words] => [use_synonyms] => [syn_partial_match] => [enable_history] => 1 [search_on_general_title] => [search_on_name] => Y [search_on_pcode] => [search_on_product_id] => [search_on_keywords] => [search_on_options] => [search_on_features] => [search_by_features] => [search_on_tags] => N [search_on_general_title_no_speed] => [search_on_metakeywords] => [search_on_metatitle] => [search_on_metadesc] => [search_on_description] => [search_on_short_description] => [search_general_title] => [ignore_lang_code] => N [characters_limit] => 3 [min_chars_limit] => [autoredirect] => [block_enter_press] => [anti_csrf] => Y [turbo_cache] => [turbo_cache_info] => [turbo_cache_status_field] => [ttl_serch_on_storefronts] => [search_storefront_categories] => N [allow_storefronts] => [ttl_other_settings] => [replace_with_break] => , . : / - \ " ' “ ” [custom_result_ids] => [search_delay] => 500 [ttl_hooks] => [hooks_get_products] => [hooks_get_joins] => [hooks_get_conditions] => [hooks_get_fields] => [hooks_get_product_phrase_condition] => [hooks_get_speedup_product_data] => [hooks_get_categories] => [hooks_get_categories_fields_condition] => [hooks_get_brands] => [hooks_get_pages] => [hooks_get_pages_fields_condition] => [hooks_get_vendors] => [hooks_before_response] => [clsm_title] => [clsm_status] => [clsm_motivation_text_en] => [general_info] => [speedup_general_info] => <p><div class='clsWarnBlock strong'>Don't forget to run indexation process of your products before enabling the search speed-up.</div></p> [clss_status] => [clss_admin_status] => [speedup_tech_settings] => [speedup_level] => light [skip_chars] => . , - ; : ' / " [speedup_info] => <p>The "Search Speed-up" feature on HARD mode can accelerator a search query up to 25 times. Products will be grouped into clusters according to the initial letters of each word in the product fields. This is a kind of internal grouping of products that allows you to search only in clusters that have been determined to be relevant according to the search query. But this logic has a slight limitation in the search. For example, typing query 'amsung' will not show Samsung products in the search.<br>It is enough to make indexation once, then the indexation will occur in an automatic mode if the goods are added through the admin panel. If you use third-party programaddons to import your products, or the "Skip indexation on import" function is enabled, after each products catalog update, you need to run products indexation by cron job or manually on the "Products indexation page". <br><b>In the Hard mode, the "Search Synonyms" functionality will not work!</b></p> [speedup_cluster_size] => 2 [speedup_exclude_import] => Y [speedup_cron_key] => HEL765FW [base_styles_settings] => [category_label] => [category_e] => #50AFD6 [elements] => )
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The Samsung Galaxy Tab™ brings you the media you want and keeps you connected with anyone, anytime. Compact and light, you can keep in touch with people and content through 3G connectivity, Wi-Fi® 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth® Wireless Technology 3.0. With a battery life of up to seven hours* and a crisp TFT-LCD display, you’re free to communicate, update, and enjoy.
Operating System:
Android 2.2, Froyo
Storage Capacity:
Антон Михайлов